TOAD does not allow you to copy the sync scripts created by it's schema comparison tool unless you shell out for the DBA Modules add in. All you can do is print it to a stupid xps file.
In order to get around this I created a small autoit script to copy the output to your clipboard.
Here is the code
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 1) WinActivate("Toad for Oracle") $Text=ControlGetText("Toad for Oracle","","[CLASS:TAdvToadSyntaxMemo; INSTANCE:1]") ClipPut($Text) If $Text Then MsgBox(0,"pwnt","Copied to clip board") Else MsgBox(0,"uh oh","Couldn't copy text. Has the schema comparison been run?") EndIf
If need be, I might upload the compiled exe file.